Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Milk It

June is Dairy Month in America's Dairyland. The Walworth County Dairy Breakfast has been going on for 33 years. I've attended twice. The drive from Rock County up to Walworth is worth the gas money for the events at the fair grounds. Caitlin and I woke up early on Saturday morning and took a drive for our breakfast.

The main attraction is the food. Arriving at 8:30 AM, we missed the coffee cake, but got our $6 worth of pancakes, OJ, milk, string cheese, eggs, and sausage. (Above: Caitlin looking a little over-excited.)
Also featured: the petting zoo. It's a pretty basic array of ponies, sheep, roosters, and cows.

Favorite attraction: Cow Plop Bingo. (Chalk a grid in a pen. Keep feeding the Cow. Bet and wait.)

The main draw to this event is the company. I love watching the milk chugging contest and listening to the awards for dairy production in the county. It's nice to eat breakfast at a table full of families or to be a part of the crowd cheering on the Dairy Princess in her epic battle at the udder against the local State Representative.

I spent the rest of my day at the Farmer's Market back in Beloit, reading out in the sun. Went up to Kettle Moraine on Sunday morning to run trails with a few teammates. Barbequed in Waukesha and did an 11 PM grocery run to get set for the week. Spent Monday feeling wiped out, but I guess that's a sign of time well spent.

Good weather all weekend? Yeah, we milked it.


karen said...

cow plop bingo sounds incredible, i wish i could have visited you before heading back to corn&pork, if not for your beautiful face then at least for that.

ck said...

This is so good. I am just saying. I am really glad that you were not too pooped to milk it all.