Monday, October 22, 2007

How I Didn't Get Sick Over Fall Break:

I didn't breathe around my sister. Not once. My week away from Beloit consisted of a couple nights with my older sister at her college in Rhode Island, a lot of running on my old favorite trails, and much pie baking (followed by cribbage & topped off with vanilla ice cream).

Breaks are a nice reminder of who/what you've got where, and why you bother travelling back and forth. It's pretty simple. However, in my most recent assessment of priorities, I find Beloit lacks three essentials for me:

1. Mountains. Every time I take the VanGalder back through the flatlands, I'm reminded that the runway at O'Hare isn't the only open space available for landing a plane. This part of the country is beautiful, but if you're concerned with maintaining your naturally-toned mountain-dweller physique, I recommend frequent trips to the StairMasters in the Athletic Center.

2. My family. My homies. Ben, Jerry, & (former) Governor Howard Dean. My people are important to me, but they don't live anywhere near here. Below, my friend Ruthie is posing by a miniture version of the VT state captiol. She's not in Beloit... yet. But I would bet five pounds of the freshest cheese curds at the Beloit Farmer's Market that she'll visit before I graduate from this popsicle stand.

3. And then there's the creemee issue. There is a hot regional debate you may or may not be aware of and it is based out of New England. Creemees are delicious and only found in my homeland. Ruthie and I are both pictured enjoying maple creemees at my favorite local farm. You can't get creemees in New Hampshire. Those kiddos call it "soft serve." I doubt I will find creemees in France at all. There are no creemees in Beloit and that is my final complaint. We've got a fro yo machine in Commons and a DQ down the road, but Wisconsin (and the rest of the world) will never quite taste like home.