Monday, September 24, 2007

As Decided in Commons at Dinner:

I'm declaring my "Veggeversary" (or veg-a-versary, if you will). The jury is still out on when the festival will be, but I'm celebrating eleven meatless years-- more details to come when I choose the arbitrary date.

This inspired holiday has come to my mind at this time of year before. It was in this very season that I first decided to lay off the beasties back in the third grade. My best friend at the time insisted we had to "stop hurting the animals" and quite naturally, I agreed. Sadly for "the animals," my friend gave up her stand when her parents started planning the Thanksgiving dinner. As I got older, I only found more reasons not to eat meat. I've never stopped my boycott. Now, Thanksgiving is gobbling just below the horizon and preparations must be made far in advance. I won't have time to fly home to the Green Mountains, but I just might piggy-back my new feast onto Turkey Day. There is a certain vein of irony to be considered here...

So, this year there will be a Veggeversary and it will be joyous and soy-filled and good. You're all invited.


Cassie said...

Hi, I'm really interested in Beloit and thinking of transferring there from the community college that I attend currently (where I'm getting an Associates Degree in French). I wanted to ask you how the vegetarian food is at Beloit? Regular college cafeteria fare? Any good semi-vegetarian restaurants?

Beloit said...

I'm not sure what part of the country you're in, but as a general rule, I've found that the midwest lives up to its reputation of being bigger on brauts than on tofu. However, there are a broad range of offerings on campus. At every meal in Commons (the main dining hall), you can choose between a vegan, a vegetarian, and that more "midwestern" option. It is easy to tailor the offerings to your diet. The salad bar, the sandwich bar, and the made-to-order grills are pretty standard, but a little creativity goes a long way-- I've got no qualms.
All the restaraunts I've been to in the area have at least a couple veggie options, but there are no specialty places around that I know of. I've got a couple favorites in Chicago and Madison, but the best food in Beloit seems to be Mexican (and there are always bean options where those menus are concerned).

Whew. I think you can tell that I just got back from dinner down at La Casa Grande.